UAS IPS - Ice Protection System
Optimal for MALE UAVs and general aviation, low energy consumption, light weight.
Systems > UAS IPS

UAS IPS - Ice Protection System Optimal for MALE UAVs and general aviation, low energy consumption, light weight.

UAS IPS - Ice Protection System Optimal for MALE UAVs and general aviation, low energy consumption, light weight.
High quality cyclic removal of ice accretion from wing surfaces while flying in icing conditions. Patented concept. Tested and demonstrated in operationally representative environments.
Main Functions:
■ Effective Ice Removal & Prevention
Ice residuals < 0.5mm
■ Low Electric Power Consumption
1%-5% of AV nominal cruise Power
■ Light Weight
2%-4% of AV max T/O weight
■ Simple Installation & low cost Maintenance
TRL (DoD) 6-7
Main Elements:
■ Actuators
■ Thermal Mat
■ Surface Coating
■ Control Unit
■ Battery Backup (optional)
Wing Assembly:
■ Actuators are easily assembled and disassembled from wing side.
■ System assembly has no impact on wing aerodynamics.
■ Optimal for long endurance UAVs having laminar flow wings.
UAV Perception:

UAS Technologies - RPAS/UAVs/RPVs/Drones, Ice Protection System - Pegasus Redundant Servo Actuator company focused on aviation innovative core technologies

UAS Technologies - RPAS/UAVs/RPVs/Drones, Ice Protection System - Pegasus Redundant Servo Actuator company focused on aviation innovative core technologies

UAS Technologies - RPAS/UAVs/RPVs/Drones, Ice Protection System - Pegasus Redundant Servo Actuator company focused on aviation innovative core technologies

UAS Technologies - RPAS/UAVs/RPVs/Drones, Ice Protection System - Pegasus Redundant Servo Actuator company focused on aviation innovative core technologies