UAS Technologies Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of UAS Technologies Ltd., a privately owned Israeli company, develops, integrates and markets unmanned aerial systems and subsystems in the Defense and General Aviation segments.
Main Activities:
Low/Medium Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Systems.
De/Anti-Icing systems.
Hybrid Propulsion and Power Generation Systems.
Resale of UAV subsystems.
Design and simulation of aerospace systems and components.

UAS Technologies - RPAS/UAVs/RPVs/Drones, Ice Protection System - Pegasus Redundant Servo Actuator company focused on aviation innovative core technologies

UAS Technologies - RPAS/UAVs/RPVs/Drones, Ice Protection System - Pegasus Redundant Servo Actuator company focused on aviation innovative core technologies

UAS Technologies - RPAS/UAVs/RPVs/Drones, Ice Protection System - Pegasus Redundant Servo Actuator company focused on aviation innovative core technologies

UAS Technologies - RPAS/UAVs/RPVs/Drones, Ice Protection System - Pegasus Redundant Servo Actuator company focused on aviation innovative core technologies